

学术副院长, 电子工程与计算机科学教授, 航空电子工程中心主任

大卫Juedes是一名终身教授和学术副院长. Juedes teaches a range of computer science classes from introductory to advanced graduate-level courses. 他是计算机协会的高级会员.

主要研究方向: algorithms, complexity theory, approximation algorithms, computational biology

所有学位: Ph.D., Computer Science, Iowa State University, 1994; M.S., Computer Science, Iowa State University, 1990; B.S.,计算机科学与数学,威斯康星大学拉克罗斯分校,1988年



  • 2010年美国计算机学会资深会员,2004年Russ学院杰出研究论文奖.


  • 李,Y.刘毅.朱迪思,D.德鲁斯,F.布内斯库,R.韦尔奇,L。. (2020). 为图案选择设置基于封面的方法.. 4. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England); 36: 1044-1051.
  • Juedes D.琼斯,J. (2019). A generic framework for approximation analysis of greedy algorithms for star bicoloring. 泰勒 & Francis; 1-22. http://doi.org/10.1080/10556788.2019.1649671.
  • Li, Y.刘毅.朱迪思,D.德鲁斯,F.布内斯库,R.韦尔奇,L。. (2019). 为图案选择设置基于封面的方法. . 生物信息学/牛津大学出版社.
  • Juedes D.杰弗里·J. (2016). A Generic Framework for Approximation Analysis of Greedy Algorithms for Star Bicoloring. 离散newbb电子数学.
  • Juedes D.琼斯,J. (2012). Coloring Jacobians revisited: a new algorithm for star and acyclic bicoloring . 2. 伦敦:优化方法和软件; 27: 295--309.
  • Juedes D.琼斯,J. (2011). Coloring Jacobians revisited: a new algorithm for star and acyclic bicoloring . 伦敦:优化方法和软件.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L.同学们,M.罗莎蒙德,F. (2007). 多项式时间逼近的复杂性 . Theory of Computing Systems; 41: 459-477.
  • Juedes D.德鲁斯,F.顾,D.韦尔奇,L。.埃克,K.Schomann, S. (2006). Approximation Algorithm for Periodic Real-Time Tasks withWorkload -Dependant Running-. 3. Journal of Real-time Systems; 34: 173-194.
  • Juedes D.陈杰.选B.同学们,M.黄,X., Kanj,我.夏刚. (2005). 某些参数化np困难问题的紧下界. Information and Computation; 201: 216-231.
  • Juedes D.布鲁兹曼,J.卢茨,J. (2004). 可行实函数的贝尔范畴和无处可微性 . 4/5. Mathematical Logic Quarterly; 50: 460-472.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L. (2003). 关于次指数参数化算法的存在性 . 4. Journal of Computer and System Sciences; 67: 789-807.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L., Kanj,我. (2002). 非NP-hard优化问题的不可逼近性. Theoretical Computer Science; 289: 553-571.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (2000). 时域前缀Kolmogorov复杂度建模. 33. Theory of Computing Systems; 111-123.
  • Juedes D.伯格曼,C.斯卢茨基,G. (1999). 项等价的计算复杂度. 1. International Journal of Algebra and Computation; 9: 113-128.
  • Juedes D.格里万克,A.尤特克,J. (1996). ADOL-C: A Package for the Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms Written in C/C++. 22. ACM反式. Math. Software; 131-167.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1996). 多项式大小电路下的完备性与弱完备性 . 125. Information and Computation; 13-31.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1995). 难题的复杂性和分布 . 24. SIAM Journal on Computing; 279-295.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1995). E和E2的弱完备性 . 143. Theoretical Computer Science; 149-158.
  • Juedes D. (1995). 弱完全问题并不少见. 5. Computational Complexity; 267-283.
  • Juedes D.莱思罗普,J.卢茨,J. (1994). 计算深度和可约性 . 132. Theoretical Computer Science; 37-70.


  • Al-Ouran R.施密特,R.奈克,A.琼斯,J.德鲁斯,F.朱迪思,D.Elnitski, L.韦尔奇,L。. (2015). 利用基于覆盖率的启发式方法发现基因调控元件. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26540692. IEEE/ACM反式actions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; October 30, 2015.


  • 坎宁安,G.陈吉,H.朱迪思,D.卡拉斯,A. (2024). d-GUARD: Thwarting Denial-of-Service Attacks via Hardware Monitoring of Information Flow using Language Semantics in Embedded Systems. Incheon, South Korea: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2024).
  • 坎宁安,G.朱迪思,D.斯图尔特,G.陈吉,H.卡拉斯,A. (2023). DAGGER: Exploiting Language Semantics for Program Security in Embedded Systems. San Fransisco, CA: 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).
  • 哀悼,C.陈吉,H.霍尔曼-瑟拉舍,A.卡亚,S.纽约州阿布卡梅尔(Abukamail.朱迪思,D.卡拉斯,A. (2023). K-12教师网络安全研讨会的思考. ACM SIGCSE.
  • 坎宁安,G.布内斯库,R.朱迪思,D. (2022). Towards Autoformalization of Mathematics and Code Correctness: Experiments with Elementary Proofs. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid): Association for Computational Linguistics; 25--32. http://aclanthology.org/2022.mathnlp-1.4.
  • 哀悼,C.朱迪思,D.霍尔曼-瑟拉舍,A.陈吉,H.卡亚,S.卡拉斯,A. (2022). K-12教师网络安全研讨会的思考 and High School Students. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 1127. http://doi.org/10.1145/3478432.3499094.
  • 撒母耳,M.斯图尔特,G.朱迪思,D. (2016). 计算所有极大独立集的认证程序(毛坯钻石).
  • 细索,C.朱迪思,D. (2016). newbb电子平台计算机科学专业的CS0课程. New York, New York: ACM; 138--143. http://329 Stocker Center.
  • 韦尔奇,L.Al-Ouran R.施密特,R.奈克,A.琼斯,J.朱迪思,D.Elnitski, L.德鲁斯,F. (2015). 利用基于覆盖率的启发式方法发现基因调控元件. 波多马克, 马里兰州:ENCODE 2015:研究newbb电子和用户会议, 美国国立卫生研究院, 波多马克, 马里兰.
  • 韦尔奇,L.Al-Ouran R.施密特,R.奈克,A.琼斯,J.朱迪思,D.Elnitski, L.德鲁斯,F. (2015). 利用基于覆盖率的启发式方法发现基因调控元件. 西拉法叶, 第十届五大湖生物信息学会议, 国际计算生物学学会, 普渡大学.
  • Juedes D.琼斯,J. (2015). An Extended Abstract: A Generic Framework for Approximation Analysis for Algorithms for Star Bicoloring. 第十三届科隆-特温特图表研讨会 & Combinatorial Optimization; 185--188.
  • 抽奖活动,.史密斯先生., 年轻,V.朱迪思,D. (2014). Developmental Evaluation of Multi-Level Mentoring Systems for Appalachian STEM Students. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico; 7.
  • 年轻,V.朱迪思,D.莱佛士,H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for 工程: An evaluation of S-STEM strategies for success. IEEE; http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/fie.2013.6684823.
  • 年轻,V.朱迪思,D.莱佛士,H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for 工程: An Evaluation of S-Stem Strategies for Success. Proceedings of the 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference; 233-236.
  • Juedes D.德鲁斯,F. (2012). 工程 a New Curriculum: Experiences at newbb电子平台 in Incorporating the IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative During a Transition to Semesters. 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW); 1279 - 1282.
  • Juedes D. (2005). 网络评分计划:进一步的经验和学生的态度. 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳:第35届ASEE/IEEE教育前沿会议论文集, IEEE出版社; F4E-18 - F4E-23.
  • 贾德,R.德鲁斯,F.劳伦斯,D。.朱迪思,D., Leal, W.德什潘德,J.韦尔奇,L。. (2005). 动态实时系统中基于qos的资源分配. Portland, OR: Proceedings of the 2005 American 控制 Conference; 1745 – 1751.
  • 布莱恩,K.迪皮波,L.费-沃尔夫,V.墨菲,M。.张,J.Fleeman D.朱迪思,D.刘,C.韦尔奇,L。.Niehaus, D.吉尔,C. (2005). Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems. 旧金山, CA: Proceeding of 11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology 和newbb电子程序s Symosium (RTAS 2005), IEEE计算机学会出版社; 374-384.
  • Juedes D.费尔瑙,H. (2004). A Geometric Approach to Parameterized Algorithms for Domination Problems on Planar Graphs . Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag; 3153: 488-499.
  • Juedes D.选B.同学们,M. (2004). 线性时间内的线性核,或者如何在O(n2)步内保存k种颜色 . Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag; 3353: 257-269.
  • Juedes D.陈杰.选B.同学们,M.黄,X., Kanj,我.夏刚. (2004). 某些参数化np困难问题的紧下界. 19th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, IEEE Computer Soceity Press; 150-160.
  • 韦尔奇,L.Fleeman D.朱迪思,D.刘,C. (2004). CORBA中的自适应资源管理服务. The Object Management Group (OMG) Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems.
  • 布莱恩,K.迪皮波,L.费-沃尔夫,V.Fleeman D.吉尔,C.朱迪思,D.刘,C.墨菲,M。.Niehaus, D.萨勃拉蒙尼亚,V.韦尔奇,L。.张,J. (2004). Towards Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management Services for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿:第四届TAO和CIAO年度研讨会.
  • 河口,E.德鲁斯,F.顾,D.朱迪思,D.Lenharth, A.帕罗特,D.韦尔奇,L。.赵,H.Fleeman D. (2004). Experimental Comparison of Heuristic and Optimal Resource Allocation Algorithms for Maximizing Allowable Workload in Dynamic, 分布式实时系统. WTR 2004 -第六届巴西实时系统研讨会.
  • Juedes D.德鲁斯,F.韦尔奇,L。. (2004). 工作负载函数:实时计算的新范式. 《newbb电子平台》.
  • 刘,C.Fleeman D.艾伯,E.韦尔奇,L。.朱迪思,D. (2004). Model-Driven Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. 第二届RTAS模型驱动嵌入式系统研讨会(MoDES '04).
  • Juedes D.德鲁斯,F.韦尔奇,L。.Fleeman D. (2004). Heuristic Resource Allocation Algorithms for Maximizing Allowable Workload in Dynamic, 分布式实时系统. 第十二届并行和分布式实时系统国际研讨会, IEEE计算机学会出版社.
  • Fleeman D.吉伦,M.Lenharth, A.德莱尼,M.韦尔奇,L。.朱迪思,D.刘,C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service, IEEE出版社. 第十二届并行和分布式实时系统国际研讨会, IEEE计算机学会出版社.
  • 德鲁兹F.韦尔奇,L。.朱迪思,D.Fleeman D.布鲁宁,A.埃克,K.霍弗,M. (2004). Utility-Function based Resource Allocation for Adaptable Applications in Dynamic 分布式实时系统. 第十二届并行和分布式实时系统国际研讨会, IEEE计算机学会出版社.
  • Fleeman D.吉伦,M.Lenharth, A.德莱尼,M.韦尔奇,L。.朱迪思,D.刘,C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Workshop on Parallel and 分布式实时系统 2004 (WPDRTS04).
  • Juedes D. (2003). 网上评分的经验. 博尔德, 科罗拉多:第33届ASEE/IEEE教育前沿会议论文集, IEEE出版社, 2003; S3F-27 - S37-32.
  • 艾克尔K.德鲁斯,F.朱迪思,D.韦尔奇,L。.切尔伯格,D.Fleeman D.帕罗特,D. (2003). 动态分布式实时系统的优化框架. Nice, France: 11th International Workshop on Parallel and 分布式实时系统.
  • Juedes D.克朗,J.西塔兰,M. (2002). Theory meets practice: Enriching the CS curriculum through industrial case studies . 卡温顿, Kentucky: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Software 工程 Education and Training, (CSEE&T 2002), IEEE计算机学会出版社 ; 207-214.
  • Juedes D.布鲁兹曼,J.卢茨,J. (2001). 可行实函数的贝尔范畴和无处可微性 . 克赖斯特彻奇, New Zealand: Proceedings of the Twelveth International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Springer-Verlag; 219-230.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L. (2001). 次指数参数化算法使w层次结构崩溃 . Crete, Greece: Proceedings of the Twenty Eighth International Colloquium on Automata, 语言, 和编程, Springer-Verlag; 273-284.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L.利亚霍维奇,E. (2000). 多序列比对的进化计算技术 . San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE出版社; 829-835.
  • Juedes D.克朗,J.西塔兰,M. (1999). Bridging the gap between theory and practice by promoting a partnership between industry and academia . 圣胡安, Puerto Rico: Proceedings of the 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE出版社; 13c5-19.
  • Juedes D.蔡,L., Kanj,我. (1998). 非NP-hard优化问题的不可逼近性. 1533. Taejon, Korea: Proceeding of the Ninth Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC ’98), Spring-Verlag; 437-446.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1998). 限时前缀Kolmogorov复杂度. 第36届阿勒顿通讯年会论文集, 控制, 和计算, University of Illinois Press; 703-712.
  • Juedes D.Balakrishnan, K. (1996). 广义神经网络、计算微分和进化 . Proceedings of the Second International SIAM Workshop on Computational Differentiation, SIAM; 273-286.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1995). 多项式大小电路下的完备性与弱完备性 . 慕尼黑, Germany: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag ; 26-37.
  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1993). 难题的复杂性和分布 . 帕洛阿尔托, CA: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE出版社 ; 177-185.
  • Juedes D.莱思罗普,J.卢茨,J. (1993). 计算深度和可约性 . Lund, 瑞典:第二十届国际自动机学术讨论会论文集, 语言, 和编程, Springer-Verlag; 277-288.
  • Juedes D.比肖夫,C.格里万克,A. (1991). 利用自动微分中的并行性 . Baltimore, MD: Proceedings of the 1991 International, ACM Press; : 146-153.



  • Juedes D.卢茨,J. (1992). Kolmogorov复杂度,复杂度核和硬度分布 . Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity, Springer-Verlag; 43-65.


  • Juedes D. (1991). 自动区分工具的分类. 费城, PA:自动微分算法:理论, 实现, 和newbb电子程序, SIAM; 315-329.